Monday, October 12, 2015

Fifth Annual 31 in 31...Day Ten ..."Let me guess... you guys are the local badasses?"

Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings / 1993

Somehow, this one slipped through the cracks and I had never seen it. Haha, I can't imagine why. Gone are all the things that made the first one a true cult classic monster film - Stan Winston's creature work (and direction), the atmosphere and above average acting, especially that of Lance Henriksen. Andrew Robinson (Hellraiser, ST Deep Space Nine) does his best here but that's about all I can say. Linnea Quigley makes a small cameo too...but mostly the creature looks like a rubber suit in several scenes, and the story is razor thin...but it's a fun and campy watch.

Yes, we know, Andy...

Hello there...

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