Wednesday, October 2, 2013

30 in 30...DAY TWO....PSYCHO II (1983)

After 22 years, Norman Bates is coming home...

I have to admit, I haven't seen any of the Psycho sequels other than some crappy made for TV movie about the Bates Motel that came out in the mid 80s. I imagine this came about because it was cool to have a sequel to EVERYTHING then. There really isn't a reason for this to exist other than to see our favorite mother's son again and suck some more money out of horror movie fans. That's not to say its a bad thing - this is a fairly well constructed sequel - Perkins plays an "older" Norman about as good as can expect and the supporting cast of Meg Tilly (sister to Jennifer Tilly), Dennis Franz (Die Hard 2) and Robert Loggia (ID4, Scarface) get a fair amount of play here.

This must have made at least decent money back in '83 as a Psycho III came out a few years later. Most of this centers around some relatives of the victims from the original trying to frame Norman for more murders and send him into a downward spiral of insanity. Despite their best efforts, Norman doesn't sway until the last 10 minutes or so and then that's where an ending comes completely out of left field. It's unexpected but not entirely a cheat either. I've always heard about the ending with the shovel, and now I know why it is fondly remembered by fans of the film.

Can't wait to see what Psycho III has in store!

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