Thursday, October 3, 2013

30 in 30 - DAY THREE - SOCIETY (1989)

Some crazy movies came out in the late 80s! Haha. From Brian Yuzna, producer of the original Re-Animator and director of its sequel, Bride of Re-Animator comes this wacko movie. A clear commentary on social classes and the limitations that come with that. A Rob Lowe lookalike (Bill Warlock - yes that's his real name) slowly discovers his adoptive family is not what they seem to be - soon enough, the slime flows and the mutations run amok!

"You're right, son...I AM a Butthead." HA!!!

You have to see this movie to believe it. Yuzna has a lot of fun here, but I can see why European audiences LOVED IT back in the day and why American audiences didn't dig it. It wasn't released over here until 1992.

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