Friday, October 18, 2013

30 in 30...DAY 17...HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTH (1992)

Ah, crap. Should have known something bad was up when the poster for this sequel not only ripped off the original's but just added a bad border to the edges. Sigh. They tried too hard to turn Pinhead into Freddy Krueger with this one - that just doesn't work. Oh sure, it's fun to watch Doug Bradley get to chew on several lines of dialogue but it's not the same. The first (and best) two films were never solely about Pinhead - they were more about the hell the people who found the box faced. This was the first Hellraiser film that I saw in the theater so I remember it fondly, but this one just doesn't hold up well over time. Some nice new Cenobite designs just look ridiculous now - a guy with a camera lense that impales people? A demon who chunks CDs like ninja stars? Argghh!!! What happened to the torture devices? Oh well, the makeup was competent at least. Fun to watch Pinhead get the center stage, but this adds little if anything memorable to the franchise.

Terry Farrell (ST Deep Space Nine) and Paula Marshall suffer through some bad hair and even WORSE clothes. Yikes.

Pinhead makes a grand entrance.

Pinhead, Fire Cenobite?, CD head, Torry, JP, Camera Man...sheesh...

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