Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Movie Review - REWIND THIS!

I found this documentary on Hulu Plus over the weekend. Great little film devoted to modern day collectors of the bygone era of VHS. There really was nothing like it before and nothing like it since. This has some nice interviews with cult directors Charles Band and Frank Henenlotter as they talk about the exposure and freedom their films gained through the medium. There is a huge niche market today (esp with the closing of Blockbuster) of Mom and Pop video stores that still carry VHS tapes, run by the collectors themselves. Watching this brought back a LOT of memories and good times. Literally thousands of movies that were released via VHS have never or will never be released in any other medium so there is some merit to the nostalgia. Whether you lived through this great era or you want to get an idea of what it was like, check this one out!

4 out of 5 Khans.

Additional points for one of the stars of this doc - David "The Rock" Nelson. He reminds me of a cross between your drunk uncle and Bruce Campbell. Crazy dude who still makes crappy monster movies with old props and VHS media. Crazy.

1 comment:

WarRaptor said...

STILL SENDS TO VHS MEDIA??? Does that mean that is the only way to get his movies? On a damn VHS tape tape???

And, you dont know my crazy drunk uncle :)