Thursday, January 9, 2014

From the King of Fear...

IFC Channel has been nailing it lately with older films. Last night I caught a favorite camp favorite of mine - MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (1986)

I have such fond memories of this crappy movie. Filmed just up the road in Wilmington, NC and featuring a legion of machines that come to life and take over the planet - the story centers on a truck stop in rural NC where a rag tag group of people hold their own against an army of 18-wheelers, bulldozers, and machine gun equipped army jeeps. Emilio Estevez was the star if that tells you anything. Stephen King wrote and directed this, apparently in the middle of huge coke binge. Music provided by AC/DC - just so awesome!

King himself makes a cameo appearance in the first 10 minutes of the movie - one of my favorites scenes - I laugh at it every time as he gets a very personal message from his ATM machine:

4 out of 5 Khans! (5 out of 5 for nostalgia purposes)

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