Monday, January 20, 2014

FINISHED! Sukhoi T-50 Pak a bonus...

I did it.

Finally finished this monstrosity - it sat under a bed for almost a year but I swore it would not defeat me. I finished it off in What-If Czech markings and I like the final results. After attempting to bring out the panel lines using the Dark Dirt wash I had, hardly anything showed up. I went in with 0.7 and 0.5mm lead pencil and drew them in. Overall, I'm not totally disappointed in the look the pencil gives. Two backgrounds - grey and blue. Both have their merits and bring out different aspects of the camo. Enjoy.

Back dat ass up.

Co-pilot and the included ladder. Not bad for a Revell kit.

Some additional detail shots of the pencil work.

And...I rescued Joachim from his 31 year old packaging this weekend. Honestly, this isn't the best figure as far as detail goes. I tried my best - after three-four painting sessions, this is where I am so far. Some minor detail will follow in the face, headband, and belt...but for now...

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