Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ki45 - Dull Coat

Still working on finishing the Ki45 - took forever to get the landing gear doors on...and STILL they aren't perfect. Sigh. Oh well. Chalk it up to battle damage I guess. Still, once the dull coat went on, the colors and weathering seemed to blend in a bit better. A few preview shots before the (hopeful) full reveal tomorrow...

Look at those uneven door angles. Dangit.

One thing I can say I've improved on is Canopy work. Both in using the masks and getting them painted right. I like open canopies more and more every day!

1 comment:

WarRaptor said...

Awesome man. You are right - adding the weathering and dull coat has really made the green 'squiggles' blend in. Looks really good....