Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Classics...

During my time off this Christmas, I watched two classic Christmas films - one I had never seen, and the other, I have not seen in a while...

First off, for the first time ever, It's a Wonderful Life (1946) starring James Stewart. I was aware of the scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation where the girl is talking about an angel getting his wings when a bell rings was from this movie. I finally caught it on network TV this year. The movie begins with three cosmic voices having a conversation about helping a man named George on Earth. Clarence, an angel who has yet to earn his wings, is sent down to assist, but not before he gets a quick lesson on George's life from his friends. James Stewart plays George Bailey, a small town guy who grows up in Bedford Falls and who is eager to leave his roots and see and do things all around the world. He meets a girl at a dance named Mary (played by Donna Reed). After the untimely death of his father, George takes over the family real easte business and is successful at it but at the cost of his adventures around the globe and college. George weds Marry as the town geezer Potter tries to ruin him and his honest business at every turn. As all of his friends and brother become world travelers, successful and rich, and war heroes, George suffers a crisis of faith and aims to end his life. Clarence shows up and introduces himself as George's guardian angel. He intends to show George how much the world would miss him had he never existed and restore his faith in living...

I loved this movie. I can't believe I had never seen it in full until now. James Stewart is funny, serious, and sad. The entire cast is great. Clarence leaves George a wonderful message at the end, one of my favorite scenes.

A Christmas Classic? Absolutely. 5 out of 5 Khans!

Next up, a childhood favorite of mine...

SCROOGE (1970)

The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge has always been my favorite 'Christmas Story.' This is the version I remember watching one sunday afternoon in the mid 80s on Christmas break and it has stuck with me ever since. Technically this is a musical, which is something I just don't do...but the actors and look of the movie are so good, I don't mind it much. Albert Finney plays Scrooge. He is perfect - and he will always be Scrooge to me no matter how many times they remake this story. Pre-Star Wars Alec Guiness portrays his doomed friend Jacob Marley. One of the creepiest sequences occurs when Jacob takes Ebenezer up into the London night sky and shows him all the lost souls floating aimlessly as ragged ghosts - doomed to wander forever. Pretty intense stuff for a Christmas movie.

Special shout out to the very first I mean Ghost of Christmas it just looks like a cheap Halloween costume and mask, but back then it scared the crap out of me!

In the end, Ebenezer realizes the error of his ways and becomes of lover of life and giving. I love the scene at the end where he pulls his Santa disguise down for a quick second as Bob Cratchet and his wife realize who he is.

4 out of 5 Khans! (I had to knock off one Khan for all the singing! Haha!)

1 comment:

WarRaptor said...

Damn damn damn - I cant believe you had never seen Its A Wonderful Life!!! Good for you for finally watching a classic.

No go watch True Grit - the new one at least, the old one with The Duke if you can!