Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Cheer...

First off, little brother came through yet again this year...rekindling some fond memories from the greatest decade...the 80s!!!

Vintage G1 favorite Transformer of all time.

Oh yeah...that's the stuff.

Also, a nice little gem in addition...battle damage Skeletor. I HAD THIS back in the day, if you touch his chest armor, it changes to a more damaged section of chest. Not brave enough to open it yet but It will happen soon.

Parental units also came up with a nice surprise - a fully sculpted Gill Man Bank from the Black Lagoon. Look at the detail on that thing!

While picking up meds at CVS, came across this little surprise....for $1.07. BOUGHT.

Now for something really special...while looking for some other things, I came across these mini figures. I instantly recognized them as being part of a very old model kit from Empire Strikes Back. It was a snap together kit of the Battle of Hoth. It came with a plastic terrain painted up like the Hoth snow landscape and had several plastic AT-ATs, snowspeeders and an Xwing fighter. I loved that thing...

My figures...don't know how they survived for 32 years but here they are!

Does anyone know where these two gun/rocket launchers came from? I can't for the life of me remember what they are from??!!

Now one more addition to the Hoth minis...I also came across a Cockpit from the old Die Cast Darth Vader Tie Fighter toy that I used to have. Sadly the Tie Figher itself was long ago shot down and crashed in the Great garbage heap beyond but this little piece has survived. Included a pic, not mine, of the whole toy...the Vader piece would "plug" into the back of the TF. Awesome memory!

Not mine...

And now, at long last, a sneak peek at what's next...Oh yeah...

Battle Armor Lost Predator...

And Wasp Predator...

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