Thursday, November 7, 2013

NEW COMICS...11.7.13...Uh Oh....

I did a bad, bad thing...

Not a bad cover in the bunch..first up two annuals - Hellraiser and Swamp Thing!

Incredible cover for Swamp Thing 25 and picking up an old Manhattan Projects I didn't have...#10...

Hot damn - war comics! Fever Ridge #3 and #4...


eric corbett said...

every time you post swamp thing covers it makes me want to pick-up where i left off right before rotworld started. might have to look into the TPB. you need to start getting comics again every week! haha!

Dukes413 said...

Well you would NOT be disappointed if you did pick back up. Even I was disappointed with the Rot World mess, but it seems getting a new writer/artists is just what this title needed. It is one of my all-time favorite comic titles.