Friday, April 12, 2013

The Minimalist Approach...HBO's The Pacific

"The Japanese are in the process of taking half of the world. And they mean to keep it. With death from the air, land and sea. But here is what the Japs are not expecting: The United States Marine Corps. Now never mind Europe, the Nazis, Mussolini, Hitler is not gonna be your job. Not until they can't whip him without us. The Pacific will be our theater of war. The Marines will do battle with the Japs. On tiny specks of turf that we have never heard of. You noncommissioned officers, you are the sinew and muscle of the Corps. The orders come from the brass and you get it done. And whenever this war is over, when we have swept upon the main islands of Japan, and destroyed every scrap of that empire, the strategy will have been that of others, the victory will have been won by you. You,the NCOs, with the chevrons on your sleeves and the instincts in your guts, and the blood on your boots.

Those of you who are lucky enough to get home for Christmas,hold your loved ones dearly and join them in prayers for peace on earth and goodwill toward all men. And then report back here, ready to sail across God's vast ocean, where we will meet our enemy and kill them all.

Merry Christmas,Happy 1942."

Chesty Puller, USMC

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