Monday, December 31, 2012

Makeup for Models...a new technique...

Going to start off 2013 with some new weathering techniques on my next model. I've been searching for some alternate methods of filling in the panel lines. I came across several finished models and how-to guides that mentioned these two products below.

First off is Pro Modeller, now Flory Models - dark weathering wash. Basically the same thing I've been doing with homemade oil mixes but this is a professional made prodcut. Supposed to be really reliable - we shall see...

Next up is some of the Tamiya weathering master packs...the one I got has the colors Snow, Soot, and Rust...also included is a small applicator brush for those hard to reach details. I imagine this would provide a bit more application control - see sample model photo below. Again, we shall see.

Finally a 0.3mm mechanical pen for panel lines. I've used this method in the past and wanted to have a few thin pencil leads on hand just in case.

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