Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas loot...(what little brothers are good for)

A bit late with this post but what the hey right? So every year my brother and I get each other little gag/toy gifts that end up being pretty cool. This year he came through big time. First up...

Bandai King Ghidora!!!

My favorite shot of the head detail...they even got the eyes right!

My second favorite shot - showing the wingspan and the double tails!

Second, he found an old "Evil Ash" from Army of Darkness made by McFarlane. I remember seeing this a few years back but never got one. Well now, I do. Awesome.

Really like the sculpt on this one - had to get an up close shot of his face!

Full Package, do I open it or keep it sealed? Hmmm....


WarRaptor said...

Ah, very cool man. Love that Evil Ash.

WarRaptor said...

And, is that a 'red shirt' about to face his destiny with Ghidora?

Dukes413 said...

Yeah...he's dead Jim! HAH!!