Monday, March 16, 2015

Sketch, Sketch, Sketch...mmm mm mmm...

Lots of needed work/practice in this weekend along with some in progress shots on all.

First off, a commission for a Sith in training I know...Agent Ahsoka, Evil Sith Lord for the Empire...

Next up - an ode to the 'Land of Confusion' video from Genesis. Blue pen and marker...

Now this is one of those moments where the magic of art comes out. Initially the marker color in solid on the poster board, but as I let it dry, not only does it get lighter BUT small tiny dots appear and gave the appearance of a star field out in space. Worked out perfect, given the subject matter I thought.

Finally, a quickie with 6B pencil and charcoal. WALKERS!!!!!

Last but not least, a required purchase at the grocery store this past weekend. The back cover is especially nice.

1 comment:

WarRaptor said...

Cool man. Scary zombie! and a cool Mr Spock!!!