Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Comics...8.29.11...

Another small but good stack this week. I just realized that two of my favorite ongoing titles are getting up there into their second or third dozen set of issues. This is pretty rare, especially for horror titles. American Vampire has been the best and most consistent title since its debut I've been getting the last two years. Hellraiser has kept its momentum despite being based on a classic set of films and featuring those same characters in an extended universe. Usually this goes off the rails after about 5 issues or so, but it has remained true to Barker's vision, and for that, I am thankful. So without further delay...

COVER OF THE WEEK...Hellraiser 17..feels like this is a larger piece of artwork and we are only getting a glimpse. Either way its pretty stunning...

American Vampire 30...

Uncanny X-Force 30...

Justice League 12...Super babies?

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