Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Draw, Draw, Draw...

Got some sketching and acrylic work in this weekend. Here are some work in progress shots of the first piece.

Grand Moff Tarkin and The Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels...yes, the animated show.

Now, this is a less exciting one for me. Sketched it out a week or so ago, and started in on the face just yesterday. Still a work in progress - not sure how I feel about it. Luke started out looking like an Ape but I guess I'm "getting there" - I don't know, I may go back to it at some point. Prob bit off more than I can chew at this point. Here is the progress up to now:

First the reference photo...

And the work so far...

Human faces are the most difficult thing to do...EVER. I may go more "stylized" with this before it's over. Or I may just scrap it altogether and paint over it. Not sure.

More later...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, the Tarkin/Inquisitor is absolutely spot on.. Great job