Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Posters in 30 Days...Final Thoughts and Analysis...

What a long and winding road it's been!

I didn't know if I would have the creativity or the time to actually succeed in doing this over the course of a month. I know that I can watch 30 movies in a month, but also create artwork based on each one too? Needless to say, I was happy to complete what I set out to do...I think I ended up with 33 total. Granted some were alternate versions of original pieces, but sometimes those can be as rewarding if not more so, once you see how a certain color or a font meshes with the artwork itself. I intended to do all horror, but it bled over into scifi, action, and even some cartoons. I let the creative juices flow and didn't try to hinder any ideas that I might have had. Just go with it I say! Yes, I wanted to do more and either did not have the time or couldn't find the right mix to get them down. I will save them for another time. Its always nice to go back and pick up an old pieces weeks or months later and see a fresh approach you might not have before. Some of my faves were both Wrath of Khan pieces (obviously), the bleeding eyes Halloween II, the crucified Prometheus, and Skeletor.

From looking at them all together, its obvious I like faces. Interesting. I thought I may have relied too much on one look or design template, but it seems like I've got a good and varied collection here. What do you think? I really enjoyed doing this and perhaps it will lead to more themes soon. Anyway enjoy and thank you for looking.

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