Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1986...A celebration of Mega Cheese...

God, I love 1986. Forget for a minute the modern classics such as Aliens, The Fly, Top Gun and Friday the 13th Part 6. Below are some of the truly forgotten gems of that glorious year. A trio of "golden oldies" that I've recently revisited. Oh man, what a rush!

First off is CHOPPING MALL - I remember seeing the trailers for and begging to see, to no avail of course. I believe this came out around the same time as the more family friendly "Short Circuit" - well this is like that on CRACK. Someone gets the bright idea to create sentry robots that will patrol the EMPTY mall after hours - of course nothing bad could happen right? And of course, a group of teenagers have a drunken, crazy party - in a furniture store full of big fluffy beds - and of COURSE they get trapped and the robots go crazy. HA!!! And last but not least, the teens find a hardware store - did every 80s mall have one? - and they load up on gas can bombs an semiautomatic rifles to combat the killers robos with. And yes, the robots have lasers that shoot out of their eyes. Awesome.

The original poster has so many awesome tag lines I can't even begin to describe the smile on my face...

Next up is the masterpiece TRICK OR TREAT. Metalhead Eddie unleashes the satanic soul of his rocker idol Sammie Curr on his unsuspecting little town by playing his records backwards. Gene Simmons plays a cowboy hat wearin' DJ and Ozzy Osbourne plays an evangelical speaker who hates the "evil" metal music. Oh yeah.

The movie poster followed by the excellent collage inspired VHS box art...

That's totally metal, B**CHES!!!

What so you mean metal guitars don't shoot lightning out of them?

Last up is the horror spoof APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Group of teenagers (I'm sensing a theme here) get trapped on an island as someone starts picking them off in mysterious ways. Their rich friend starts acting weird - can they survive the night? Will there be anyone left?

Yep, that's Biff from Back to the Future on the left...

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