Friday, April 15, 2011

New Secret Project...

This is something I've been wanting to do for a while. Finally got it started - Fangoria magazine has always been a favorite of mine - the covers were always the greatest - so I decided to go back and look at some of the Golden Era, i.e. 1980s, covers - I wanted to redraw some and put my own spin on things - little extra blood here, more creatures there. Below is the first cover I'm gonna try - its one of my favorite Fango covers ever, and also one of the first I ever owned. Anyway, here goes...

And here is the sketch up to this point, it's kinda dark because my lines are really light with it being a WIP. Good start I think...I really want to make the Vamp's jaw come off the page more, kinda 3D like...we'll see how it goes!

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