Monday, March 14, 2011

Small weekend update...

If you aren't reading the current crop of GI JOE comics, then you are missing out. Specifically, the COBRA title. If you enjoyed the toys, cartoon in the 80s but you want a little more out of your stories, then this is for you. Lots of poilitical intrigue comes with this, its pretty much an origin tale of the organization that becomes Cobra - they have their hands in everything around the world, growing their empire...several familiar faces show up, but they aren't nice and get down and dirty, even the Joes. I highly recommend it - Volume 3 is out and there are only only 4 more issues after this collection where the story reaches in conclusion. This leads directly into the next Joe event - Cobra Civil War!

Warning...MAJOR....MAJOR Spoiler below for the COBRA Series....

I warned you...

Still there?

Ok don't say I didn't warn you...

If you need any more coaxing to pick up this title...check out this spread:

Oh yes, they went there!

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