Back to those crazy Asians! This time, a recent Chinese horror/vampire flick. They pretty much threw everything into this one - ghosts, demons, visions, vampires, and bloody kung fu! Yeah, you read that right. Horror kung fu! Why have we not had this before now?

There are many images/ideas borrowed from recent Asian horror films - it's a weird film, but it's an interesting one with a slow burn in the first hour. A tired actor moves into a run down apartment building as he is confronted with the odd neighbors and paranormal beings that run amok. He discovers the building's cook is actually a vampire hunter from the old days - naturally - and he helps the main character hunt down and destroy the demons trying to escape the darkness. I liked this a lot, esp its striking imagery and atmosphere. Worth a watch - if for no other reason than to see Demons and Vampires kung fu attacking one another. HA!

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