...The Stephen King celebration continues...only this one...wow, not so much. The movie poster for this used to creep me out - granted I was only 8 and didn't know much back then. Linda Hamilton was the big star here - not sure if this was filmed before or after The Terminator which also was released this same year. I'm pretty sure I know which one she is more fond of when looking back. Hah.

A bunch of creepy farm kids kill all of the adults in their secluded Nebraska town and refer to "the one who walks behind the rows" out in the corn fields. Isaac speaks the word and Malachi is his red-headed henchman enforcer. Hamilton and her husband, played by Peter Horton, happen upon the town and have to survive the attacks of those crazy kids.

Apparently there is some kind of demonic presence out in the cornfield and it has possessed the kids. Ok for nostalgic viewing purposes, but otherwise not a very good film.
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