Damn, the 80s ruled. Especially 80s monster movies. Stan Winston directed this movie and designed it's monster way back in 1988. (Way back - ugh). It centers around Lance Henriksen's Ed Harley as he conjures a demon to exact revenge on a group of teens who accidentally kill his young son. The story is pretty basic, but for a first time director, Winston's movie is highly effective in terms of cinematography and special effects. His Pumpkinhead design is his absolute best outside of his work on ALIENS and PREDATOR...

Godzilla sighting!

Harley enlists the help of an old witch from the swamp to conjure the demon - she is certainly creepy...

This movie is still solid today - I'm surprised at how well it flows for a 26 year old film. Much of the creature's appearances throughout are shrouded in darkness or partial light and that adds to its mystery. When it is shown up close, its as convincing as anything Winston created in any of his special effects work. It smiles, drools, and growls in such a natural way. Must have been fun to be on that set...

Oh yeah, and that's Mayim Bialik (Blossom, The Big Bang Theory) playing a little redneck kid...ha!!

All in all, still an effective film and the perfect Halloween watch. I wish we still had monster movies like this - too much CGI these days...
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