Nice size stack this week, heavy on the DC with a nice surprise...a new feature I'm gonna try to do every week, instead of just picking a cover of the week, if I read one that blows me away before I post the covers, I'm going to give out a Comic of the Week instead...
The first winner, a new title "Fever Ridge - A Tale of Macarthur's Jungle War" #1. Part National Geographic, part WW2 involves GI snipers fighting the japanese on the island of New Guinea. Awesome.
A sample of the incredible splash artwork in issue #1...
Also making a strong bid for COTW..Hellraiser Dark Watch #1...a new direction for Hellraiser comics with Clive Barker back on board. Excellent cover.
Justice League 17...the conclusion to the Throne of Atlantis crossover, well that didn't take long. Great cover as well...
Batwoman 17...
Star Trek 18...Uhura origin story...
ST Countdown to Darkness 2...
Avengers Now 6...
Justice League of America 1....not bad...