Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Minimalist Approach...I'm Huge in Japan...

It took me a long time to finally get inspired again with these posters. I've been revisiting the Godzilla flicks lately and look what happened! I'd like to do a series - one for each if I can stick with it - where there is a close-up of the enemy of each film at the top of the piece and then a silhouette of the two monsters at the bottom, depending on who Godzilla fights. Should make for an interesting series of posters if I can keep them visually interesting.

Godzilla Versus Space Godzilla. English version. A curious choice for the first one to be sure BUT I liked the image of Space Godzilla very much and it went from there.

Japanese version.

Weathered movie poster Japanese version.

1 comment:

WarRaptor said...

Badass. "Im Huge in Japan" HAH!