Wednesday, November 26, 2014

FINISHED! Hasegawa 1/48 Scale Ki45 Toryu "Nick" with Projection Cannon...

I have to say, I'm very happy with the final result here. Despite my misgivings about the fitting and the landing gear doors, I'm pleased with how these pictures turned out. Several to follow - up close and whole shots. Enjoy. I love Japanese WW2 aircraft!

I used an extra light source here to get some detail to show from inside the cockpit. These pics don't do it justice.

I love this shot.

Some underbelly shots. Smoke trails! Dirty...

Now a set with a light grey background.

Finally some close shots of the canopy and cockpit detail.

Now, something I'm trying to do more - post a few real world shots of whatever plane I'm working on or finishing. Basically these will just be for reference, but I like to look back and see how close I am with my models. Enjoy.