Since this was an off week for USC, I used this weekend to get a much needed deck built on the back quarter of the house. Finished a 5 x 4 foot platform constructed with 2x8x10...2x4x10...and 2x6x10s.
Dirt cleared and flattened, ready to begin.
Of course I have a wash room drainage tube that runs right along where I needed to build. Fit new frame boards and notched around securely.
The basic square frame.
Center 2x4...bracketed on both sides in order to miss the drain tube then extended to the front of the frame, fastened with screws.
Full frame with center 2 x 4 fastened.
Right side block used to keep it same distance from house brick wall.
Left side stick in ground through cinder block support, then outer left frame corner fastened with screws. Solid shape.
Full frame supported, ready for decking boards - 2x6 cut to 4 feet wide.
Decking boards spaced/placed.
Full Deck.
Straight ahead view. Boards in and outer edge added flush to the board ends.
Closeup decking boards....6 screws each - 2 x 2 x 2.