Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Comics 4.27.11...

The end of the month always brings a smile to my face.

COVER OF THE WEEK. Brightest Day #24. It's MF'N SWAMP THING!!! Is he a white lantern now? Good guy? Is he back from the dead? Too much goodness to pass up - so glad to see Swampie in comics again!

Batman Incorporated 5 - now that's an outstanding cover. Really could have been COTW but the story has been so's to hoping this issue brings it back...we'll see...

New Mutants 24...Age of X continues...

Age of X Universe 2...

Amazing Spider-Man 659...

Green Arrow 11...

Detective Comics 876...There be whales here!

Godzilla 2...

American Vampire 14...

The Walking Dead 84...

Action Comics 900...that's a LOT of issues...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Project 4.22-4.23..Day 2

Day 2...concrete is dried solid, runners attached and ready to put wall boards up...

Almost there...1x1x6 wall boards going up...

Finished pics will be up soon hopefully!

Weekend Project 4.22-4.23..Day 1

Been wanting to do this for a long time. Needed a small privacy wall int he back yard for various things - decided on a 12' x 8' are some Day 1 pics...all photos by the wonderful Shannon Dukes, of course..

The workspace..digging post holes, getting the posts squared, draining gravel and cement poured...this always takes the longest time to complete...

Closeup of a post with concrete poured and temporary braces...

Getting there...

Day 1 finished...

New Comics 4.23.11...Weekend edition...

Late start to last week, but a decent haul in the end...

COVER OF THE WEEK: '68 #1. A zombie comic set during the Vietnam war. Yes please! I like this one because it reminds me of another comic I had as a kid: Aliens Colonial Marines #1 which can be seen below...also Cover B of this debut issue is below as well...a version of a famous photograph from the era...

X-men 8...great cover and greater story...

Uncanny X-Force 8 - a rather boring cover with great story...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Secret Project...Finished?

Ok, here we go...pretty much finished. Overall, I'm pleased with how it turned out...I posted two diff cover treatments - the only difference being the title is framed in the first and oversized in the second with an opposite black and white treatment. I'll have to do more of these. Fun times...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Titles and such...

Small update...traced an old Fango title in Illustrator and added a drop shadow..not sure which I like better...but here are two WIP covers with the title added...hmmm...

New Secret Project...

This is something I've been wanting to do for a while. Finally got it started - Fangoria magazine has always been a favorite of mine - the covers were always the greatest - so I decided to go back and look at some of the Golden Era, i.e. 1980s, covers - I wanted to redraw some and put my own spin on things - little extra blood here, more creatures there. Below is the first cover I'm gonna try - its one of my favorite Fango covers ever, and also one of the first I ever owned. Anyway, here goes...

And here is the sketch up to this point, it's kinda dark because my lines are really light with it being a WIP. Good start I think...I really want to make the Vamp's jaw come off the page more, kinda 3D like...we'll see how it goes!

New Preds...

A quickie sketch in pen only - no pencil - getting some loose ideas down on paper. Fun and easy...Falconer's mask needs some work though...sheesh...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Comics...4.13.11...

Good week with a little bit of everything...

COVER OF THE WEEK..Amazing Spider-Man 658. I'll be the first to say I hate all the Spidey costumes of the past 6 months, but that's a pretty striking image...

The Walking Dead Survival Guide 1...nice artistic take on one of the television show images from season one...

Uncanny X-Force 7...

Infinite Vacation 2......Is that Liv Tyler?

X-Men Legacy 247 - Age of X continues...

Now this is what happens...

During a ground portion of the STF mission when you're just waiting for the next happen to spy two unsuspecting ensigns...

Let's dance! Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!


I said....HEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

STF Missions...Terradome...

This is what happens when you play your first Strike Team Mission on STO. Almost four hours later, you have died about 100 times, taken about 100 hundred screenshots, and at the end you don't even get any Borg Tech because that was a reward for a different mission...Nice...

First off, the Strike Team gathers...

Heading in to the Terradome...

Undine to the left, Undine to the right...

The Final Chamber..where Captain Sulu was being eight fake Sulus....oh myyyy...